El interesante tebeo Kiki de Montparnasse de Catel y Bocquet (Sinsentido, 2008, 374 páginas) cuenta la vida de esta musa y artista, reina del Montparnasse de los años 20. Kiki (Alice Prin, 1901-1953) fue modelo, cantante, bailarina, pintora, etc. Son dignos de admirar su personalidad y su físico, su energía desbordante y su libertad. Ha conocido y amado a numerosos artistas, ha tenido una vida intensa y no siempre fácil. Se la puede ver en una multitud de pinturas, dibujos, fotos, películas, esculturas... os dejo con una selección pero seguramente la volveréis a encontrar por allí: Kiki está en todas partes!
This very interesting Comic book called Kiki de Montparnasse by Catel & Bocquet (2008, 374 pages) tells the story of a muse and artist, Queen of 1920's Montparnasse. Kiki (Alice Prin, 1901-1953) was a model, singer, dancer, painter, etc. One has to admire her personality and looks, her crazy energy and her freedom. She met and loved many artists and had an intense, not always easy, life. She can be seen in numerous paintings, drawings, photos, films and sculptures... so here is a selection but you will surely bump into her again some time: Kiki is everywhere!
La très intéressante BD Kiki de Montparnasse de Catel et Bocquet (Casterman, 2007, 374 pages) raconte la vie de cette muse et artiste, reine du Montparnasse des années 20. Kiki (Alice Prin, 1901-1953) a été tout à la fois modèle, chanteuse, danseuse, peintre, etc... On est en admiration devant sa personnalité et son physique, son énergie folle, sa liberté. Elle a rencontré et aimé de nombreux artistes, a mené une vie trépidante et pas toujours facile. On la retrouve dans une multitudes de peintures, dessins, photos, films, sculptures... je vous ai mis une petite selection mais vous la recroiserez certainement : Kiki est partout!
9 commentaires:
I LOVE KIKI. Ah, I have so much to say about her. Have you seen the erotic '1928/9' photographs by Man Ray? They were recently reprinted.
Hello Matt, yes she is wonderful. Have you read her memoirs? (I haven't... not yet!)
They talked about those photos in the "BD", haven't really seen them but I have an idea.
¡Hola Lucié!
Me gustan mucho estas pinturas, esculturas, cómic... El cuadro en rojo con esos ojos tan enormes me encanta. Y la gran sombra del rostro de Kiki en un ángulo del cuadro. Todos tienen algo de especial.
Gracias por enseñarnos esta muestra de arte tan bella. Un beso.
So that's who did this famous Violon d'Ingres ... Man Ray! Love his sense of humour (and he says somewhere "... the most successful art to me involves humour."
I was always rather dismissive of his name finding 'Man' and 'Ray' rather over the top. I should have known better ... it transpires that his real name was Emmanuel, hence Man for short, and his surname Radnitzky so Ray for short ... makes sense at last!
Thanks to wiki for another quote :
"There is no progress in art, any more than there is progress in making love. There are simply different ways of doing it."
Hola Clariana, fue divertido buscar obras representando a Kiki para poner en el blog, de hecho fue difícil elegir entre tantas cosas buenas, sobre todo las fotos de Man Ray.
Un abrazo
Warren, I never knew that about Man Ray's name, I like it better too now :-)
And I find his quote fun, although I don't really agree with him!
"There is no progress in art, any more than there is progress in making love. There are simply different ways of doing it."
I wonder what he means by this. How does one determine how art is"progressing"? There are certainly different ways of making love, but how does one gauge its progress?
Do you think there are similarities between visual art (in this case, photography) and making love, Lucie? I'm curious to know what you think!
Hi Matt, perhaps there's progress and then there is evolution... in many things, art, making love, etc?
The difference between progress and evolution—interesting! In this case, I can understand what he means by the "artistic evolution"; I'm still not sure about the evolution of making love, though! Such a complex comment!
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