Kathe Kollwitz (1867-1945) era una pintora, escultora y artista gráfica alemana. Aquí está una pequeña selección de sus autorretratos (ha hecho muchos) en diferentes épocas de su vida. La estatua que la representa está hecha por el escultor aleman Gustav Seitz, y se encuentra en la plaza Kollwitz en Berlin.
Kathe Kollwitz (1867-1945) was a German painter, sculptor and printmaker. Here is a selection of her self portraits (she did a lot) at different ages. The statue of her was created by the German artist Gustav Seitz and it stands in the middle of Kollwitz square in Berlin.
Kathe Kollwitz (1867-1945) était une femme graveur, sculpteur et peintre allemande. Voici une selection de ses autoportraits (qui sont nombreux), à différentes époques de sa vie. La statue qui la représente, crée par le sculpteur allemand Gustav Seitz, se trouve sur la place Kollwitz à Berlin.
11 commentaires:
Just looking at the photo of the statue makes Kathe Kollwitz look like a male missionary in darkest Africa rather fed up with being unable to convert the locals to christianity.
I love the works shown here, especially the profile ... I suppose you need two mirrors to do that? Please do exactly the same for your profile ... using the same colours and materials!
In the Jardin Public in Bordeaux there is a statue of the artist Rosa Bonheur by Gaston Veuvenot Leroux. Same thing ... another sculptor bringing out someone's masculine side ...
See 24 juillet 2009
Hello Warren, that's an interesting point of view! I actually like the statue, its weirdness and its 'masculine' side. Well, I'd say it's because it's not trying to show a pretty woman, but the strength of the artist.
I read an interesting post about it here: http://itinerantprofessor.blogspot.com (go to Febuary 2009)
It says the sculptor was inspired by Kollwitz's etching.
I agree about the profile: it's so beautiful. I'll think about doing one like that ;-)
Una excelente artista la que nos presentas hoy, desconocida para mí.
Todos son muy bellos y especialmente me gusta el primero por el trabajo tan bueno que tiene de líneas y sombras y la expresión. Gracias y un beso.
Muy bellas obras las que nos presentas hoy. No paras de cultivarte y de aprender de otros artistas, aunque tú ya tienes talento de sobra.
Hola Clariana, en el retrato que dices me gusta còmo ha usado la técnica del grabado con este estilo tan especial.
Hola Miguel, efectivamente creo que se aprende mucho viendo la obra de Kollwitz, me encanta su fuerza y su soltura.
Muchos saludos
Dearest Lucie, I still owe you an email! I will send it by the end of the day. I hope you're doing well. :)
I've always enjoyed Kathe Kollwitz's paintings. Her charcoal work is lovely.
D'accord Matt!
Bises et à bientôt.
Thanks to http://weimarart.blogspot.com/ I have just discovered Lotte Jacobi, a very famous photographer.
Following up a link to the Maddison Museum there is a brilliant portrait of Käthe Kollwitz taken by her.
The web site is marvellous :
Lots to discover!
Hello Warren, yes I agree it's a fascinating portrait of Kollwitz, I like it very much.
Thanks for the links!
There is more to learn about Kathe Kollwitz in a post here again : http://weimarart.blogspot.com/
The second article July 30th 2010.
Thank you again Warren, it's such an interesting blog "weimarart", plenty to discover!
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